Travel insurance. To buy or not to buy?
The phrases: 'SOS international', "flown to Singapore", "evacuated" caught my eyes. Some lucky fellas (among all the unclucky ones), were actually flown to Singapore to get their treatment, instead of staying back in the crowded hospitals in Bali.
No, it is not that Singapore provide better treatment etc. It is the fact that they could get out of the place which hurt them into a safer place; the feeling of escaping from hell that is invaluable. I am sure the victims felt relieved when then were safely in a copter or plane, and knew that they are accompanied by capable medical professionals to another place where they can be healed, where family and friends can see them and provide them with all the love and support in those trying times. That is the priceless part of these emergency evacuations, other than the fact that sometimes, it does make a big difference in terms of medical treatment received.
One question came to my mind. Who foot the bill?
Come on. It is a copter with well-trained emergency doctors and pilots on board. Pick any among the three, and the "rent" or "salary" for a few hours is no small peanuts. Now you have a mini convoy... what is the bill? Ok, just guess how many digits. Five? Six? Four is impossible. Who paid? the government?
Government? OK. May be some governments have some "peanuts" to spare to lift you out. But what about the country which I am a citizen? Will I be "rescued"?
This thing is covered by most travel insurance! Yupp.... even ordinary citizens like us get a chance to have a mini Air Force One team should we get that unlucky.
Do Travel Insurance Cover terrorist acts?
Yes , many do! But read the fine prints. Either it is a good marketing strategy or conscience on the part of insurance companies, many include a clause of covering acts of terrorism, including biological and chemical warfare! Cool!!
Not long ago, I read in the local papers that travel insurance is one of the most lucrative policies for the insurance companies. I am sure all of us have parted with our hard-earned money in exchanged for a 'peace of mind'. After reading that article, I made up my mind about no more travel insurance for me, unless I go to the US, where a short visit to the local general practitioner can set you back by a decent sum.
Hmmm... with the terrorists getting so busy and yours truly refusing to stop travelling, it might be prudent to think of getting a travel insurance. I do not want to live in fear. But if something hit me badly, I want to be surrounded by my loved ones. Ok. I am shopping for my travel insurance next!