Monday, May 08, 2006

London is expensive? : The insider’s guide to do it the cheap way!

Why are tourists avoiding London???

I am tired of the “lame excuses” which my friends have been giving for not visiting me, or staying long enough in
London. Come on, there is really lots to see in London, and lots to do!

OK, I will put up some tips for a cheap cheap way to cover London, after seeing people coming and going and spending a bomb in the process.

I start with GETTING AROUND CHEAPLY in London- An Insider's Guide, and try to put up other stuff when I have time, including EATING aka FEEDING yourself WELL and CHEAPLY in London, Cheap phone calls from London, SHOPPING TIPS etc etc. Please come to London, it is a very interesting place!

The chief complains that I got including it is very difficult to "survive" in London. The accomodation is expensive, the transport is expensive, and even the food is expensive! Everyone complains that it seems one would take about £20 to feed yourselves 3 meals a day. Entertainment is also expensive in London. By entertainment, everyone think of the WEST-END musicals and operas etc. That would be expensive, of course!

Well, there are definitely ways to get around and enjoy london within your budget. Don't forget that london is full of broke students, and full of tourists and migrants from all over the world. It is possible to get around this place in a "cheap" and fun way!

London is not so much of a tourist trap, it is possible to enjoy your stay without sleeping in the park or starving.

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