Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Learn French!!

I am determined to learn enough to order dishes and wine/champagne in a restaurant properly.

BBC's website actually have free video lessons!! http://www.bbc.co.uk/languages/french/
I love BBC :)

Other than french, they have other languages as well. Italian will be next.. what else.. Japanese? Thai? Well, any country with yummy food. :)

Now that I am learning a new language my brain cells' death rate could hopefully slow down.

urrrrr.. how do you say good bye? Bonjour? no? Sayonara??

By the way, Oliver is supposed to be a boy's name and Olivia a girl's name?

Oliver is now in top ten hit of fav boys name. Thanks to Jamie Oliver?? hehehe Jamie Oliver is my ou xiang of a man who can cook and do great deeds!!!
Olivia?? Urgh....
My most shocking discovery, (thanks to my baby name googling colleagues) is Lucy is making a comeback!! LUCYYYYYYYY!!! Awww.

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