Nope, i did not go for the kill today. Plans shelved. Too tired/lazy to get up.
Even when hubby said "horse!! There are horses going pass!", I only managed a "really??". It took some excitement of his part to get me stir from my cozy bed and decide to grab the camera and take some photos-but it as too late. The horses went pass already.
My sister is gonna send me some foundation!! Woo hooo. After 2 months of appearing orang-y or brownish faced, I now can look normal again. Thank goodness that IPSA is created. Thank goodness that I wished for a sister (my mum thinks that it was my fault that the baby in a tummy turn out to be a gal, when she wanted a son!! I was chanting I want a sister, i want a sister. She must have thought I am a Harry Porter or something). My brother will never understand why I can only use THAT foundation, and wont be convinced by my orange-ed face story to pity me and fork out SGD30 to post me those stuff.
Just found out that my dad was admitted to the hospital again. I wish I am nearer, so that I could play around with my diary and head home.
It is "dizziness" again. Mum still doesn't understand that it means a possible/LIKELY TIA-transient Ischaemic Attack - a jargon that is used to prevent the patient from going into further shock hearing doctors talking about his stroke. She still treat it as the usual dizziness that we gals have, and almost get used to dad's hospital episodes. Worries me like hell.
His blood pressure was 150mmHg during admission, but mum chose to focus on the fact that it became 120mmHg again the following morning. :P This worries me. It really worries me.
I feel like flying home now and play the role of the irritating all knowing control freak daughter/ta jie role. Count his tablets, query his medication taking habits, check the booklet where he is suppose to record his bp levels, ie essentially threaten to place him under "close surveillance" blah blah blah.
That is my unique role at home. He will not answer my mum's naggings, but with his daughters, he softens. My sister would play the reconciliatory role, pleading him, or joking with him so that he takes his medicine on time-she can't be irritating like me. I am the hard one, she is the soft one. When we attack together, my dad is quite defenseless. Heheheheh
So, when will I go home again? I am aging. My parents are aging.
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