Thursday, March 09, 2006

small commotion in library

There was a small commotion in this otherwise quite intimidatingly "elite" library. At this library, I am the moron who smuggle in some Walkers salt and vinegar crips. I am also the moron that picked up a phone and whispered into it. Everyone else seems to have ears stuck with earphones, tuning into their ipods and eyes on books or computer screens. Welcome to the library of XYZ ! I can be quite certain a visitor like me will fall into the lower end of the controversial "Bell Curve" if an IQ test is suddenly dished out.

People ran to the glass windows/walls (floor to ceiling is glass, do you call it a window or a wall??. what is the sight? lightening. Tunder! Yeah. yeah.. laugh. But hey, this is the first lightening and tunder I saw since I arrive here, and it is really windy too! The trees with little buds actually swayed.

Spring is here.. that is a sure sign!

Errr, did I mentioned that the "tunder storm" lasted less than 5 minutes? The "rain" stopped in that time too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey there, i spot your blog in your signature in CC. so popped by. how long do you intend to stay in london? i'm planning to take a long break from work and europe's going to be where im heading with london as my base.

- artichoke