Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Baked by the British sun

It has been HOT!

They call it the humid-hot, but to a tropical gal like me, it is DRY-HOT!

Yesterday, the temperature in central London rose to 32C in the afternoon. It was not too bad if you were outside, in the parks, on some shady pavements etc, because the wind was still pretty cool, unlike the warm air that you have in Bangkok or Singapore. But it you are indoors, you will curse!

Most homes/hotels/shops in UK do not have either a fan or air conditioner!
And there I was, stuck in the charity shop where I did my volunteer works, watching the chocolate bars melt! Yes, the Fair Trade chocholate bars were melting before our eyes, and sadly, not all could be saved, as the fridge was too small!

And the sun in London is unforgiving! I was wondering why BBC issue things like "high UV" as a "weather warning" (other weather warnings are gail storms, heavy snow, blizzards: ie all those important sounding stuff). Now I know.

The testimony of the importance of the warning: I am sun burnt, despite the cover of my "evening standard" umbrella, and my sunblock. Guess I need to do what the locals do, add a sun visor/cap and a big pair of sunglasses.

It is hot enough these few days to make you bring along stuff that you will pack for a Bangkok trip. But at the same time, you will also need a jacket/sweater, cos the temperature may suddenly dip to about 10+C at night.

I really don't think June is a nice time to visit London. If you give me a choice, late Aprils and early May would have been the best! You can see the tulips in the mild weather.

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