Friday, June 30, 2006

Hot Summer sales!!

With the World cup going on, and the sun scorching hot, it is literally HOT summer sales in Oxford street. I thronged New Oxford Street (where I got my FREE TIGI hari cut :D), Regent Street, and scoured Oxford Street until the Marble Arch area, where we got to stop because they are closing shop!!! That was a bad business decision. Why can't they open for two more hours???

When I came here, I thought woah hahahahah, Miss BIG FEET finally can try all those shoes on displays, without asking the sales assistant "Please, can you bring me size 8, or 9, or size 40 or 42" and get that STARE from them, followed by:

"Sorry (which is very fake), No stock!!! We don't have size 8. Biggest (yeah lar, I big and fat, cannot???) size 7. Blah blah......"

Worse still some experienced (ie older) sales assistants will just give you THE knowing glance and say:
"Sorry!! No stock! I think size 8 also difficult. Your feet too big"

Everytime I needed new shoes, I got to budget a) MONEY b) TIME to hunt for one pair. I hunt until I discovered MBK's Taywin?? or something which stock large sizes.

I thought London, the shoe capital will be my salvation, end of going for expensive brands despite being damn broke. I should be able to walk into any store, and pull out a UK size 7 and TRY, and then admire my outstanding feet in front of the mirrors. Fat? What fat? Big, where? Look at the British. I know it does not always happen!

Now that it is summer, Oxford and Regent Streets are where Singaporeans and the Chinese come to play. I don't think there are that many Singaporeans, actually, but you will always notice them, somehow. You will always know THAT is a Singaporean or Malaysian. And then you qill quickly spot. There, another group. Why???? Hahahh..... I better shut up. Later my plane will get shot before I even land. You want to know, you come here---lah!

And I detest the fact that they come here in throngs... why can't they go somewhere else? The fact that they make up 90% of customers in some of my dearest CLARK's stores in Regent/Oxford Street means that they CAUSE the removal of size 7 and 8 from displays, and resulted in many size 5s put on display!!!

It means I can't just pick up a shoe and dump on the floor and try!!! I got to "retreat" to other places.(like Kensington High Street and gently rub shoulders with diamond-ed Ladies, and miss out on bargains). It makes me so frustrated thato one day, I might go on the streets to tell them, "Go home, go home"!!!

What happened to good old winter where the cold kept them away? I really dun understand why they come in summer.

Summer??? No pretty tulips. No pretty blooms. Scenery is like my sis says "Bleah!!!!", compared to spring. Only has crazy weather that go from 14C one day , and then now it is 28-30C. By this Sunday, all the chocolates will melt, again. Predicted temp? 32C. And let me warn you: there are no air conds, not even fans in most places. So, come here and play? You get sun burnt. (Beautiful blue skies =no cloud= UV city) Well, anyway, it does not matter. They just come here to shop. Scurrying from Selfridges to Debenhams to House of Fraser, where air cond rules. And of course, they go to my CLARKS stores. :(

The summer sales here is really good. So, can't stop them coming, right?


I didnt even get a pair of Clarks yesterday!!! My only consolation is a Beige BAG!!! (OK, plus 2 sample jar of Molton Brown face wash and scrub). The hannbad is SMALL, and yet look good on my rolly polly body. Where to find???

!! :D Next week, I will ransack Lilly Whites. Shhhhh..... heheheheh I think Singaporeans and Chinese have not invaded this place yet.

P/S:The FREE Toni and Guys cut was really good..... that was an experience! I should have discovered it earlier!!! Talk about it another day. I am busy plotting for free hair colouring now. :D:D:D:D:D

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