Monday, November 06, 2006

Post Bonfire Night Fog!!!!

It was so foggy this morning on my way to work that I barely see more than 50 metres in front of me!! When I arrived, my hair, esp fringe was really damp.

I later found out from colleagues that this is typical 6th November weather, after all the fireworks. Any scientific explanation to that?
Anyway, new house had a big plus. There is a wide glass windows, we are on the top floor, and this neighborhood seems have money to burn- lots of fire works for the past few days!!! We were joking that we don't even see this much during official celebrations back home. That was really good..
Oh.. here are the illustrate the mist... Hahaa.. found a bright fluorescent orange colored van.

Photo 1, took this in front of the first station wagon, which is about 15 metres away from me. Could see the van, but not the cars around it clearly.

2md photo, right infront of the first van, the car opposite the van was unclear!! Third photo, fater I walked past the white station wagon. could see van and the car on the opposite site of the road, but the car about 2 parking spaces behind was blur....

The white thing is actually a field. It is usually GREEN in colour...

The pub across the road shrouded in fog...

The carpark in my office.... tonnes of leaves have dropped. I am worried they will be all gone before I could go away for a weekend.

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